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EUREKA Community Outreach


Conserving the lands and waters on which all life depends

Working To Stabilize The Climate

🌍✨ Puff for a cause! This January, every Coco Cloud you enjoy helps support The Nature Conservancy, a global environmental nonprofit working to create a world where people and nature thrive. 💚🌱

Together, we can make a difference—one puff at a time. ✨ Let’s protect the planet we call home.

#givingback #EUREKAVapor #loyaltotheoil #CocoCloud #TheNatureConservancy


One Warm Coat: Committed To Sharing The Warmth

Over 8 Million Coats Collected

Cold outside? Warm up with our Sour Appleicious PRELOAD and do good at the same time! This December every Sour Appleicious PRELOAD you enjoy helps support @onewarmcoat, a nonprofit organization that provides free coats to those in need while promoting volunteerism and environmental sustainability. Together, we can help spread warmth to those in need and contribute to a more sustainable world.

#OneWarmCoat #EUREKA #GivingBack


Environmental Defense Fund

Working To Stabilize The Climate

They began in 1967, as a scrappy group of scientists and a lawyer on Long Island, New York, fighting to save osprey from the toxic pesticide DDT. Using scientific evidence, their founders got DDT banned in the U.S. Today, they're one of the world’s top environmental organizations. They deliver bold solutions that cut climate pollution and strengthen the ability of people and nature to thrive — even with the climate change we feel right now. And science still guides everything they do.



Let's End Domestic Violence Together!

The National Domestic Violence Hotline

Join us this October in standing up against domestic violence. 💜 Every FUSION Mystery disposable you enjoy this month helps support The National Domestic Violence Hotline (@ndvhofficial). The Hotline provides essential tools and support to survivors of domestic violence so they can live their lives free of abuse.

Together, we can make a powerful difference. @ndvhofficial is here to support. #EurekaCares #SupportSurvivors #DomesticViolenceAwareness #FUSIONForACause

SeptEMBER 2024

Curing Ovarian Cancer

Ovarian Cancer Research Alliance

Join us this September in supporting @ocrahope ! Each Mystery Disposable you enjoy this month helps support Ovarian Cancer Research Alliance, a nonprofit organization committed to curing ovarian cancer by advancing innovative science and enhancing treatments. Join us in supporting this crucial cause and helping to advance treatments for gynecologic cancers.



Don't Just Smoke The Trees, Let's Plant Them!

One Tree Planted

This August, we’re going green! Each Mystery Disposable you enjoy helps support One Tree Planted (@onetreeplanted ), a nonprofit organization whose mission is to make it simple for anyone to help the environment by planting trees. Together, we can grow a greener future!

JULY 2024

The Veterans Cannabis Project

Light Up Your July!

Join the cause and light up your July! Throughout July, each Mystery Disposable you enjoy helps support Veterans Cannabis Project (@vetscp), a nonprofit organization whose mission is to improve U.S. military veterans’ quality of life through the opportunity of cannabis. Join us in giving back! Let's celebrate Independence Day all month long


JUNE 2024

Stand Together For A More Inclusive Plant

Join us in celebrating love, equality, and PRIDE! 🌈

At EUREKA, we believe in making real changes and championing for everyone’s rights! This Pride Month, every Mystery disposable you enjoy you’re helping uplift the work of the @humanrightscampaign 🏳️‍🌈💪 Let’s stand together against fear and bias, and work towards a world where everyone in the LGBTQ+ community can express themselves freely! Here’s to creating a brighter, more inclusive tomorrow, one step at a time!

MAY 2024

It's Skin Cancer Awareness Month

May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month

It’s Skin Cancer Awareness Month, and we’re on a mission to raise awareness! For every Mystery Disposable you enjoy in May, you’re helping @skincancerorg’s mission to educate, prevent, and detect skin cancer early. Together, we can spread awareness and save lives.


APRIL 2024

Let's Make Earth Day EVERY DAY!


🌿 Throughout April, we’re teaming up with @AmericanForests to plant the seeds of change and create a healthier planet for all. Every Mystery disposable enjoyed in April contributes to our mission of sustainability and forest conservation. Join us in making a positive impact!

March 2024

Fundraiser with Fight Colorectal Cancer

March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month

This March, let's raise awareness and support those affected by colon cancer! 🙌 With every Mystery Disposable you enjoy this month, you're not just getting premium quality; you're also helping @fightcrc fund critical research and advocacy efforts. Let's fight for a brighter, healthier future! 💙


February 2024

Fundraiser with Last Prisoner Project


Join us as we celebrate Black History Month by supporting a cause close to our hearts. Throughout the month, a portion of our Mystery disposable sales will be donated to the @lastprisonerproject, in addition to our regular monthly contribution. At EUREKA, we believe in fighting for a world where no one remains incarcerated due to outdated cannabis laws. Together, let’s work towards restorative justice and equality for all.

#LastPrisonerProject #EUREKA

January 2024

Fundraiser with Feeding America

Nourish communities with healthy food access!

Start the year on a high note! Throughout January, we’re partnering with @FeedingAmerica to fight hunger across the nation. When you choose our Mystery disposable, you’re choosing to make a difference. Join us in the mission to ensure everyone has access to nutritious food. Let’s start the year right – with good vibes and giving!


December 2023

Fundraiser with The Hospitality Project

Creating Careers in Hospitality by Training the Next Generation of Hospitality Professionals

Hospitality Pathways’ mission is to assist members of marginalized communities in gaining in-demand job skills that lead to sustainable employment, livable wages, and future growth opportunities, within the cannabis, restaurant, and hotel industries.

Tis the season for giving! 🌲 This month we're teaming up with @hospitalitypathways! With every Mystery Disposable you enjoy, you're helping build pathways to success for marginalized communities. 💪🔥 Cheers to making a difference!

November 2023

Fundraiser with The Black Institute

TBI is a Black-led policy and organizing institution dedicated to solving local problems and addressing the concerns of Black families and immigrants.

EUREKA is proud to support @theblackinstitute! We will be donating a portion of the Mystery disposable sales during November to this awesome organization. "Since 2010, The Black Institute has shaped intellectual discourse and impacted public policy from the perspective of Black people in America and people of color throughout the diaspora by using forward-thinking strategies to achieve racial equity. TBI is a Black-led policy and organizing institution dedicated to solving local problems and addressing the concerns of Black families and immigrants." With every Mystery disposable you're contributing to their vital work for racial equity. Let's make an impact! 💫🌎


October 2023

Fundraiser with The Breast Cancer Research Foundation

The Breast Cancer Research Foundation is dedicated to ending breast cancer by advancing the world’s most promising research.

This year, BCRF is the largest private funder of breast cancer research—and metastatic breast cancer research—worldwide and is the highest-rated breast cancer research organization in the country.

💗 Supporting the Fight Against Breast Cancer 💗  At EUREKA, we’re passionate about making a positive impact. This October, a portion of our Mystery Disposable sales will go to The Breast Cancer Research Foundation (@bcrfcure). Join us in advancing research and bringing hope to those affected by breast cancer.

September 2023

Fundraiser with Leukemia & Lymphoma Society

The LLS mission: Cure leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin's disease and myeloma, and improve the quality of life of patients and their families.

LLS is the largest nonprofit dedicated to creating a world without blood cancers. Since 1949, they've invested more than $1.7 billion in groundbreaking research, pioneering many of today's most innovative approaches. LLS IS A GLOBAL LEADER IN THE FIGHT AGAINST BLOOD CANCER.

This month, EUREKA's got a mission: to make a difference for Blood Cancer Awareness! We're joining forces with @llsusa and donating a portion of every Mystery disposable pen sale to help fight the good fight!


August 2023

Fundraiser with NORML

NORML Is Leading The Fight For Cannabis Freedom

Lawmakers are increasingly hearing from business interests, not from consumers and grassroots advocates. That is why it is more important than ever that NORML maintains a seat at the table to ensure that consumers’ interests are heard and taken seriously.

Puff, puff, give back! 💨 This August, when you grab our Mystery Disposable, you're also helping support @natlnorml's mission to legalize adult-use cannabis and ensure quality, safe, and affordable bud for all! Together, we're sparking change and blazing a trail toward a better cannabis future! 🔥


July 2023

Fundraiser with Hero Grown

They've helped tens of thousands of heroes escape opioids

Cannabis, CBD, and medicinal mushrooms have been proven to alleviate symptoms of depression, post-traumatic stress, and pain¹. These safe and natural options should be available legally and affordably to all veterans and first responders. These heroes EARNED THE RIGHT to choose plants over pills.

Join us in supporting our heroes this July! For every Mystery Disposable sale, we will donate a portion of the proceeds to @herogrown, an incredible organization that provides cannabis to veterans and first responders in need. Help us make a difference and give back to those who've served our country. Together, we can honor and empower our American heroes.


June 2023

Fundraiser with the Human Rights Campaign 

Leading the fight for LGBTQ+ rights

HRC’s campaigns are focused on mobilizing those who envision a world strengthened by diversity, where our laws and society treat all people equally, including LGBTQ+ people and those who are multiply marginalized.

🌈HAPPY PRIDE!🌈 At EUREKA, we are committed to making a positive impact and advocating for equality and acceptance. This Pride Month, we are proud to announce that we will be donating a portion of our Mystery disposable pen sales to the Human Rights Campaign! @humanrightscampaign 🏳️‍🌈💪 The Human Rights Campaign envisions a world where every member of the LGBTQ+ can live their truth authentically, free from fear and discrimination. By supporting their mission, we can contribute to creating a society that values and protects the rights of all individuals. 🌍✨ Together, we can create a brighter, more inclusive future! 🌈✨


May 2023

Fundraiser with Stop AAPI Hate

Stop AAPI Hate is a U.S.-based coalition dedicated to ending racism and discrimination against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAs & PIs)

Stop AAPI Hate strives to advance the multiracial movement for equity and justice by building power for our communities, working in solidarity with other communities of color, and advocating for comprehensive solutions that tackle the root causes of race-based hate.

May is Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, and we're proud to stand with the AAPI community! Throughout the month EUREKA is donating a portion of our FUSION Mystery disposable sales to @stopaapihate, an organization working to end discrimination and hate against AAPI individuals. Let's celebrate and support this vibrant community together! 🌺.


April 2023

Fundraiser with Testicular Cancer Foundation


Testicular Cancer Foundation educates young men to raise awareness about testicular cancer, the most commonly diagnosed cancer among males ages 15 – 34.TCF supports families of testicular cancer patients and shares its resources with the medical and healthcare communities, schools, and various young men’s groups.

April is testicular cancer awareness month. Testicular cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer among males ages 15 – 34. To help raise awareness & give our support we will be donating a portion of our Mystery disposable sales in April to the @testicularcancerfoundation, an organization that provides education and support to young men to raise awareness about testicular cancer, give support to families of testicular cancer patients, and share resources with the medical and healthcare communities, schools, and various young men’s groups.


March 2023

Fundraiser with Women Grow

Inviting Women to Lead the Cannabis Industry

Women Grow was created to Connect, Educate, Empower and Inspire (C.E.E.I.) the next generation of cannabis leaders by creating programs, community and events for aspiring and current business executives. Founded in 2014 in Denver now headquartered on the east coast, Women Grow serves as a catalyst for women to influence and succeed in the cannabis industry as the end of marijuana prohibition occurs on a global scale.

Happy Women's History Month!!! In celebration, we will be donating a portion of our Mystery disposable sales during the month of March to @womengrow, an organization that serves as a catalyst for women to influence and succeed in the cannabis industry.

#EUREKA #LOYALTOTHEOIL #WomenGrow #WomensHistoryMonth

February 2023

Fundraiser with Last Prisoner Project 

War On Drugs: The Last Prisoner Project (LPP) is a national, nonpartisan non-profit organization dedicated to cannabis criminal justice reform.

In honor of Black History month, we will be donating a portion of our Mystery disposables sales in addition to our monthly donation to @lastprisonerproject. At EUREKA, we believe that no one should remain incarcerated or continue to suffer consequences from cannabis prohibition and the War on Drugs which has and continues to disproportionately impact communities of color. As a cannabis brand profiting from a now-legal cannabis industry, we recognize the responsibility we have in helping work towards restorative justice. Swipe to learn more about the Last Prisoner Project.

#LastPrisonerProject #EUREKA

Eureka Vapor Last Prisoner Project

War On Drugs: The Last Prisoner Project (LPP) is a national, nonpartisan non-profit organization dedicated to cannabis criminal justice reform.

Freedom Shouldn't Go Up In Smoke

At EUREKA, we believe that no one should remain incarcerated or continue to suffer consequences from cannabis prohibition and the War on Drugs which has and continues to disproportionately impact communities of color.

As a cannabis brand profiting from a now-legal cannabis industry, we recognize the responsibility we have in helping work towards restorative justice. To do our part in helping make a change, EUREKA is a monthly donor to Last Prisoner Project, a nonprofit organization dedicated to cannabis criminal justice reform.


Breast Cancer Awareness: Hope Lives! adds quality of life to breast cancer patients by offering integrative support services and products that help manage the physical, emotional, social & financial side effects of breast cancer treatment.

Our Commitment To Getting Involved

In honor of breast cancer awareness month, we will be donating a portion of Mystery Disposable Pen sales during the month of October to a local Colorado breast cancer fund, Hope Lives.

Hope Lives! The Lydia Dody Breast Cancer Support Center was founded in 2001 by Lydia Dody, a Fort Collins businesswoman who personally battled breast cancer. Lydia established an integrative, supportive care program that continues today in its 20th year to provide free services to meet the ever-growing number of breast cancer diagnoses.


Helping Disabled Veterans, First Responders & Children: Gain an improved quality of life through the partnership of a dog.

Help Vets Get Their Life Back

For the month of December, EUREKA will be donating a portion of our sales from our Mystery disposable pens to Victory Service Dogs.

Victory Service Dogs is a local Colorado organization whose mission is to improve the quality of life for veterans with PTSD or other mental or mobility issues through the partnership with a loving service dog so that they can achieve a more fulfilling life of increased independence, purpose, and dignity.